Cross Country runner of the year 2018 voting

2018 Cross Country runner of the year. Voting will start on Wednesday, November 7th at 7 PM and run until Sunday, November 11th at 7 PM.

Cross Country runner of the year

Gabe Coffey (Bangor)
Dylan Marrero (Caribou)
Caitlin Macpherson (Ellsworth)
Luke Barnes (Sumner)
Evan Merchant (Jonesport-Beals)
Erin Gerba (Orono)
Wyatt Lord (Hampden)
Jillian Richardson (Edward Little)
Matyas Nachtiagall- (Washington Academy)
Jayme Sidaway (John Bapst)
Travis Hunt (Narraguagus)
Camille Kohtala-(Orono)
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