Winslow high school 2016 girls soccer preview

August 20, 2016

Info from coach Steve Bodge


Coach: Steve Bodge (2nd year)

Top Returners: SR Mid Kate Larsen, Jr Keep Broghan Gagnon, Jr Back Sarah Stevens, Jr Mid Sarah Guimond, Jr FW Lidia Santos, So Mid Sara Doughty, So Mid Desiree Veilleux, So Back Paige Trask, So Back Maeghan Bernard

Key Newcomers: Sr Back Veronica Rossignol, Jr Back Malinda Richards, Jr Back Ashley Lachance, Jr Back Breanna Martin, So FW Hailey Grenier, Fr Keep Carrie Selwood, Fr FW Alison Stabins, Fr Mid Katie Doughty, Fr FW Ashley Quirion, Fr FW Grace Smith, Fr FW Jenna Rodrigue

Season Outlook: The Black Raiders are much younger than a year ago. They have only two Seniors on the roster and have added 6 freshman to fill the void of last years big Senior class. Coach Bodge has very similar expectations as last year; finish in the top tier of the Northern Maine division and make a deep playoff run. Broghan Gagnon will take over for 4 year starter Hillary Libby in goal while huge overall contributions will be expected from returning sophomores in Veilleux, Bernard, and Sara Doughty. Kate Larsen will be turned to for leadership and midfield presence for the young Raiders. The offensive load will also fall on some returners in Santos and Guimond as well as newcomers Quirion, Katie Doughty, and Smith.

Coach’s Comments: If the underclassmen and newcomers play to their potential, this team will be right where they want to be come late October.

Pet Motel