Nokomis high school 2018 girls soccer preview

August 22, 2018

Coach: Lucas Jewett – First year as varsity coach – coached jv for 5 years

Last Season:  Nokomis girls soccer went 2-11-1

Info provided by coach Lucas Jewett:

Top Returners:  Alyssa Ellis is the lone returning senior from last season.  She will look to control the field and make her teammates better throughout the season.  Meagan Whitten will be returning at the forward position in her junior year and should continue to improve as an attacking offensive player.  Sierra Robichaud will also be a returning junior player and is a pivotal player to the point she can play at any position and make positive plays for herself and teammates.

Key Newcomers:  The team was very young last year as a lot of freshman received a lot of heavy minutes.  The following are players who will look to take on larger roles this year at the varsity level.  Cheyenne Martin, Maya Cooney, Madeline Tardif, and Amanda King.

Outlook/Coach’s comment:  Wins and losses will not dictate how successful our season will be this year.  What will determine our success is our growth as soccer players, our commitment level, and coming together as a team throughout the season.