John Bapst 2018 field hockey preview

August 26, 2018

John Bapst Field Hockey

Coach – Courtney Withee (2nd year)

Assistant Coaches Betsy Spear (John Bapst alum), Edythe Dyer – goalie coach (John Bapst Alum)

2017 Record – 4-10

The expectations for JBFH are for all the student athletes to develop and teach girls work ethic, respect, sportsmanship, pride, self-confidence, honor, dignity, sacrifice, togetherness, and fundamentals of field hockey.

Our strengths are how close we are as a team. We spend a lot of time talking about being one unit on the field. We have a very strong bond. A quote for our season this year is “I have never scored a goal without getting a pass from someone else.” – Abby Wombach (USA Soccer Team)

One big challenge for us is having to travel to many locations to practice. Sometimes we have to move practice around because we have to work around other schedules, like UMaine Field Hockey or Cohen Field Hockey programs.

Some key players we have this year are Tianna Cyr (Center Mid), Makenzie Handley (Right Mid) and we have strength in our defensive unit as a whole. We focus on every position is a defensive position, even our forwards.