Penquis high school 2018 boys soccer preview

August 27, 2018

Penquis Valley Boys Soccer 2018 preview

0-14 last season

Info from coach Jason Mills

With having a squad of 16 this year the Penquis boys are looking to be more competitive this year and hoping to get into the play-offs.

Strengths:  Having a good returning nucleus along with six incoming freshman will make the Patriots more competitive this year.  Team will be strong defensively and in the midfield.  Having a roster of 16 will allow more players getting into games and getting experience.

Challenges:  Having six freshman and some upper class men playing in new positions will be a challenge in the beginning.  Getting players used to new positions along with finding scoring  will be key for team success.  Playing a tough schedule that includes six play-off teams from last year will be challenging for Penquis as well.

Key players:

Jeremy Martin senior midfielder

Jake Baker senior midfielder

Derek Pearson senior forward

Camron Bailey junior goalie

Zak Mills sophomore forward

Cayden Cyr freshman forward

Corbin Cyr freshman midlfielder

Alvin Robshaw freshman defender

Favorites:  Ft. Kent is the defending Northern Maine Class C champs.  Area team that will be in contention is Central.