Dexter high school 2018 girls soccer preview

August 28, 2018

Being one win away from a championship can leave a bitter taste. It can also provide plenty of motivation. The Dexter Tigers girls soccer team has plenty of motivation heading into the 2018 season.

Dexter fell 4-2 to Houlton in the class C regional final game last season. Seniors Danielle Cummings, Kaylee Deering, Hannah Dorman, and Addyson Herrick return to provide leadership. Peyton Grant and Avery Herrick were a dynamic freshmen duo for the class C North runner-up Tigers.

“Houlton was very good. They put a lot of time into soccer the past few years. They had some difficult losses previous years, they wanted it,”Dexter coach Jody Grant said. “So hopefully that is something we can inspire to now. We were a little bit short, we have a lot of kids coming back. If you are a competitive person that should bother you a little bit.”

Dorman said, “Just knowing we were as close as we were last year gives us confidence. We have to work really hard to get there.”

Deering added, “Last year left a bad taste in our mouth.”

The Tigers have a group of freshman that will join the strong nucleus of returning players.

“We have a lot of freshmen and they are doing pretty well. We work really hard,”Cummings said. “We want to improve as much as we can.”

Deering added, “We have almost everyone back from last year. We work really well together because we have been together since middle school.”

Grant, Cummings, Avery Herrick, and Dorman all scored goals for the Tigers last season.

“We have a lot of kids that can do many things. We are not relying on just one kid to score goals. We are not relying on one kid to be the best defensive player,”Coach Grant said. “We have a lot of kids who I think can contribute. The sum of our 11 is pretty strong. You still need to play the game and make plays.”

The Tigers will have a difficult schedule featuring Central, Orono, and Penquis who should be near the top of the class C standings. George Stevens and PCHS also could contend.

“We have many teams that were just as good as Houlton against us,” Deering said. “Central was tough for us. Penquis will be good competition.”

Dexter will open the regular season on Friday when they host George Stevens.