Mt. Blue 2018/2019 girls basketball preview

November 26, 2018

School/Sport/record from last year  Mt Blue Girls Basketball 9th place 4 – 14

Coach      Co coaches  Fred and Zac Conlogue

Info provided by coach Fred Conlogue


We return 10 players with varsity experience and have 7 seniors to carry the load. We also return 1st team KVAC Lexi Mittelstadt who averaged over 17 points/game.

Biggest challenges

õ playoff experience

Key players/newcomers

Returning athletes: Seniors Alex McAuley F, Mackenzie Libby G, Sierra Fay G, Aislynn Provencher F, Jacelyn Daggett F, Mariel Damon F, Juniors Lexi Mittelstadt G, Ashley Parlin G, Sophomores Kiely Reynolds G, Rylee Keaten F

Promising newcomers: Courtney Richard SR G, Kaitlin Blodgett JR F, Maddy Smith JR F, Eva Stevens FR G

Schedule: Mt. Blue opens the season with home games against Skowhegan and Brewer.