Houlton high school 2018/2019 girls basketball preview

November 28, 2018

School: Houlton High School Girls basketball. 21-1 last year- losing to Monmouth in state championship game

Coach: Shawn Graham 15th  year

Info from coach Shawn Graham

Strengths: We’ve got a little quickness and some bench depth. Planning to rotate about 10 girls.

Weaknesses: Very little varsity experience, and size as our tallest player is 5’8,

Our biggest challenge will be overcoming massive graduation losses the past few years along with losing a couple of seniors. 1 (Jamie Brown)with a broken arm during soccer finals and another (Tessa Solomon) who decided not to come out for the team. We are in a complete rebuilding year with only two girls (Abbie Worthley and Teagan Ewings) with any varsity minutes from a year ago.

Key players will be both Ewings 12 ppg last year and Worthley who came off the bench for us. We will likely start a couple promising freshman in Mia Henderson and pt guard Olivia Henderson. Sophomore Center Emma Ardell will round out the starting 5.

Schedule: Houlton opens the season with home games against Calais and Central Aroostook on December 10th and 12th.