Waterville high school 2018/2019 girls basketball preview

November 28, 2018

School/Sport/record from last year

Waterville Senior High School/Girls Basketball/14-6


Rob Rodrigue, Bruce Chase, Dan Cosgrove, Lacey Smith

Info from coach Rob Rodrigue


This years team returns seven players from last years tournament team.  Athletic ability is a certain strength in addition to the versatility of many of the returning players.

Biggest challenges: Although we have multiple players returning from last years team, we are still relatively young with a roster that consists of 1 senior, 3 juniors, 6 sophomores, and 3 freshman.

Key players: Sadie Garling, Maddie Martin, Paige St Pierre, Lindsay Given, Hannah LeClair, Abigail Saucier, and Jayda Murray

Newcomers: Kalli Thompson, Dasia Roberts, Caitlyn Smith, Keira Gilman, Sadie Works, and Jacki Gray

Schedule: Waterville opens the season on December 7th at Oceanside. The home opener is December 11th against MCI.