PVHS holds on to defeat Schenck

December 21, 2018

In Howland Thursday night, Penobscot Valley built a fifteen point halftime lead, and was able to fend off Schenck in the second half for the 66-54 victory.

The Howler defense was the story for the first half, as they held the Wolverines to 14 points (6 in the first quarter, 8 in the second).  Travis Thompson (6) and Tyrone Davis (4) were the only two Schenck players with more than two points at the break.  Elijah Wood carried the scoring load for PVHS early, scoring 11 first half points, while Bradon Blish provided an inside spark contributing six points.

In the second half, the Wolverines turned up the halfcourt pressure, and scoring opened up for them.  They also did a good job of crashing the boards and getting to the free throw line (21 attempts compared to just 2 in the first half).  Thompson hit 9 free throws during this time, finishing with 17 points for the game. Tyrone Davis and Regan Currie had 14 and 12 points respectively.

Offensively, the story for the Howlers in the second half was Wood and Alex Tash.  Tash scored 15 of his career high 20 points in the 2nd, while Wood stayed consistent and netted 13 to contribute to his game high 24.  Reece Carter, who iced the game shooting 4-4 from the line, finished with 10 points.

Penobscot Valley improves to 4-1 and will travel to Searsport on Saturday, while Schenck drops to 1-3 and will Host Greenville Friday.