The High School Football season will get underway and the Eastern Maine Sports Football experts will again pick 10 games each week this season. This week the experts have Foxcroft Academy and Dexter as unanimous picks. The crew has Mt. View and Sacopee as the most competitive game of the week, with the Hawks getting the win. Other predicted winners this week include Hermon, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Freeport, MCI, and Wells.
Below are the 10 week one games that we are picking and the picks from each expert.
- Hermon at Brewer
- John Bapst at Foxcroft- 6:45 PM Broadcast
- Winslow at Old Town-
- Stearns at Bucksport
- Hampden at Medomak Valley
- Freeport at Winthrop
- MCI at Nokomis
- Sacopee at Mt. View- Broadcast
- Wells at Oak Hill
- Ellsworth at Dexter
Hermon (11-8), Foxcroft (19-0), Winslow (15-4), Bucksport (16-3), Medomak (17-2), Winthrop (12-7), MCI (11-8), Sacopee (10-9), Wells (18-1), Dexter (19-0)
Marc- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Stearns, Medomak Valley, Freeport, MCI, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter
Anthony- Hermon, Foxcroft, Old Town, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Winthrop, MCI, Mt View, Wells, Dexter
Tyler – Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak, Winthrop, Nokomis,, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter
Chris L- Brewer, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak, Freeport, MCI, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Zach-Brewer, Foxcroft , Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Winthrop, MCI , Sacopee, Oak Hill, Dexter
Gabe-Brewer, Foxcroft, Old Town, Bucksport, Hampden, Winthrop, Nokomis, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter
Andrew- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Freeport, MCI, Sacopee Valley, Wells, Dexter
David – Hermon, Foxcroft, Old Town, Stearns, Medomak, Winthrop, MCI, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter
Fred- Brewer Foxcroft Winslow Bucksport. Hampden Freeport Nokomis Sacopee Wells Dexter.
Doug- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak, Winthrop, MCI, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Charles- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Winthrop, Nokomis, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Ethan- Brewer, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Freeport , MCI, Sacopee Valley, Wells, Dexter
Aaron- Brewer, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak , Winthrop, Nokomis, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Bob -Hermon, Foxcroft , Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak Valley, Winthrop, Nokomis, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Sean- Brewer, Foxcroft, Winslow, Stearns, Medomak, Winthrop, MCI, Mt View, Wells, Dexter
Jeff- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak, Winthrop, Nokomis, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter
Traci- Hermon, Foxcroft, Old Town, Bucksport, Medomak, Winthrop, MCI, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Chris P- Hermon, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucsksport, Medomak Valley, Freeport, Nokomis, Mt. View, Wells, Dexter
Bill L- Brewer, Foxcroft, Winslow, Bucksport, Medomak, Freeport, MCI, Sacopee, Wells, Dexter