Orono high school 2019 tennis preview

April 3, 2019

Orono high school 2019 tennis preview. The Red Riots boys team is expected to be a top contender this season. They have finished as regional runner up for the past two seasons.

“We have a few key returners, and a lot of youth. Without sounding too arrogant, we just simply have a lot of talent. Our boys team is athletic, but mix that all with good, fundamental tennis skills,”Orono coach Matthew Murray said. “it’s all about getting over the hump. We have been regional runner-ups two of the last three years. We have to get over that mental hump.”

Sam Cartwright and Itai Boss will lead the way for the Red Riots boys squad. . The third singles player is expected to be Patrick Tyne, Trent Lick, or Ryan Shorette.

The girls team is also expecting to contend. The Red Riots have a strength in numbers.

“We had 33 girls sign up to play tennis. On Varsity we have 16. It’s a mix of youth and returning players. Our strength will be at doubles,”Murray said. (our biggest challenge) will be all about winning single matches against our toughest opponents.”

Leah Costello will be the leader for the Red Riots girls team.

“Leah Costello is our most important player. She will play first singles, but will also be a strong voice for our younger players to rally around.” Murray said

The Red Riots first match is scheduled for April 22nd at Mattanawcook. They will follow by traveling to Schenck on April 24th. The first home match will be against rival Old Town on April 26th.