Opening ceremonies to kick off 2016 Senior League World Series

July 30, 2016

The Charles Inn

The opening ceremonies for the 2016 Senior League World Series will be held this evening at Shawn T. Mansfield Stadium in Bangor. Teams that won Maine District 3 championships in softball and baseball this season will be recognized. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, and U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin  will be among this year’s dignitaries. The night will end with a fireworks show. Click here for all the info.

The schedule for the week has had a slight chance. The 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. games Monday through Wednesday have been switched to  10:30 and 1:30. Click here for the full schedule.

For the full list of teams in the 2016 Senior League World Series, click here.