Messalonskee, Oxford Hills, Houlton, Stearns, Southern Aroostook enter girls basketball tournament as number one seeds

February 9, 2017

The Messalonskee girls basketball team will travel to Waterville on Friday night for a matchup with the Purple Panthers. The Eagles will look to join Gorham and Richmond as the only undefeated girls basketball teams in the state.

Messalonskee will enter the class A North tournment as the number one seed. They will play a quarterfinal game on Friday, February 17th @ 8:35 PM at the Augusta Civic Center.

Oxford Hills (16-1) girls will end their regular season when they host Leavitt on Friday. The Vikings will finish first in the class AA North standings. They will play a semifinal game on Tuesday, February 21st @ 5:30 PM at the Augusta Civic Center.

Houlton (17-1) girls basketball will be shooting for their third straight state championships. The Shires will enter the class b North tournament as the number one seed. They will play a quarterfinal game at the Cross Insurance Center on Saturday, February 18th @ 4:30 PM.

Stearns (17-1) rolled through the regular season, until their season finale against Dexter. The Minutemen fell to the Tigers, but will still finish as the number one seed in class C North standings. They will play a quarterfinal game on Tuesday, February 21st @ 3:35 PM at the Cross Insurance Center.

The Southern Aroostook Warriors girls basketball team has no one on the roster older than a sophomore. That didn’t stop the Warriors from finishing 17-1 and as the number one team entering the class D North tournament. They will play a quarterfinal game at the Cross Insurance Center on Monday, February 20th at 8:35 PM.

Thank you to the following businesses for sponsoring Eastern Maine Sports coverage of Tourney 2017.