Cross Country State Meet Schedule Modification for Saturday

October 26, 2018

On Friday, the Maine Principals’ Association (MPA) announced a change in the state cross country meet. Below is the news release from the MPA.

Over the past two days we have received numerous inquiries about the MPA State Cross Country Meet at the Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast. We have been monitoring the weather closely and just communicated with the National Weather Service in Gray, Maine. We are aware that the conditions are not going to be ideal, but the NWS prediction was that the worst weather would be about 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Belfast area for Saturday. From 10:00 am to 2:00 there is a chance of 1/10” of rain and cold temperatures. The feeling of many coaches is that they would run in these conditions and there is a gym near the course for the athletes and spectators to warm up in. In looking at the long-term forecast, next Saturday is not guaranteed to be a lot better. In weighing all of our options the Cross Country Committee has decided to start the race an hour early and to condense the schedule to a race every 35 minutes to try to beat the worst of the weather. The revised schedule for Saturday, October 27, 2018 is as follows:

A – Boys 10:00 a.m.; Girls 10:35 a.m.

B – Boys 11:10 p.m.; Girls 11:45 p.m.

C – Boys 12:20 p.m.; Girls 12:55 p.m.