Bob Beatham earns fifth Eastern Maine Sports high school football expert title

November 18, 2018

Bob Beatham earned his fifth Eastern Maine Sports high school football expert title by going 83-32 overall and finishing four games ahead of Skip Hawkes. Blake Lipton, Aaron Howard, Chris Lessner, and Bill Libby finished in a tied for third, seven games behind Beatham. This is the second straight season Beatham finished first. Beatham also finished on top in 2012, 2014, and 2015. Frank Johnson won in 2011, Nick Coit in 2013, and Lessner in 2016.

Lipton still had an opportunity going into state championship weekend. Thornton rolling to the class A state clinched Beatham’s fifth title in seven years. Full season results are below.

Consensus: 4-1/77-38

  • Bob B: 4-1/83-32
  • Skip H: 3-2/79-36
  • Blake L: 1-4/76-39
  • Aaron H: 4-1/76-39
  • Chris L: 4-1/76-39
  • Bill L: 5-0/76-39
  • Toby N: 3-2/74-41
  • Sean S: 4-1/74-41
  • Andrew H: 4-1/74-41
  • Marc C: 2-3/73-42
  • Cody L: 4-1/73-42
  • Frank J: 4-1/72-43
  • Chris D: 4-1/72-43-
  • Andrew B: 3-2/70-45
  • Matt B: 3-2/68-47
  • David M: 3-2/67-48
  • Jeff H: 4-1/66-49
  • Darren P: 4-1/66-49
  • Chris P: 5-0/65-50
  • Traci C: 5-0/64-51
  • Anthony D: 1-4/55-60

Bob Beatham earned his fifth Eastern Maine Sports high school football expert title.